Curriculum Notes Year 7
Meet the Headmaster
A warm welcome to all our Year 7 pupils. I am confident that you will have an enriching experience and enjoy the outstanding facilities at the school that are complemented by our nurturing staff. At Cranmore, we work to enable you to develop individual talents, achieve academically and develop personally so that you thrive.
Academically, you will be taught the curriculum by specialist teachers, this is just one part of you growing to be a confident, independent and accomplished young person. There are lots of opportunities for you to do things that you enjoy, take part in activities that you may already excel at and to try new challenges. I encourage you to take advantage of all that is on offer. As you develop individually, also remember to support one another and be excellent role models.
Enjoy your journey at Cranmore.
Mr Barry Everitt, June 2022
Meet the Head of Year 7
Welcome all of you to Cranmore Senior School!
Transition to Senior School is one of the biggest and most significant changes in a boy’s life, which is why at Cranmore, we place the upmost importance on getting it right to ensure that all of our new Year 7 students are happy, motivated and primed to be the best that they can be.
There will be challenges along the way, however, with our emphasis on developing the child’s resilience, and an open culture where students are encouraged to seek help in overcoming any obstacle, we fervently believe that every student at Cranmore will have a successful year.
Should you have any questions please do not to hesitate to contact me or any of the Year 7 team.
Marcus Chapman
Head of Year 7
General Notes
Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mr Barry Everett Headmaster | |
Mr James Pulford Deputy Head (Academic) | |
Ms Jessica Schembri Assistant Head (Pastoral) Designated Safeguarding Lead | |
Mrs Victoria Low Director of Operations | |
Mr Marcus Chapman Head of Year 7 7MC Form Tutor | |
Mr Ahmed Afana 7AA Form Tutor | |
Mr Stuart Minikin 7SM Form Tutor | |
Mr Chris McGhee 7MC Form Tutor | |
General Enquiries | |
Medical Centre | |
Transport Manager | |
In accordance with its Catholic foundation and its concern for the education of the future citizens of the 21st century the school aims to:
- Offer its pupils a rich all-round education within a Christian environment.
- Create a happy environment in which the pupils will come to recognise the joy of learning.
- Provide a secure setting in which with the aid of skilled teaching the imagination can be inspired, hard work can be rewarded and academic, artistic, musical and sporting potential fulfilled.
- Foster a community in which all are respected and difference celebrated.
- Create an environment in which the pupils can develop confidence, determination, enthusiasm and moral responsibility.
- Promote an atmosphere of friendship, within which individual needs are recognised and met, consideration shown and tolerance exercised.
Ethos History
Cranmore was founded in 1968 by Canon Peter Freed. His vision was to create a school which would be a centre of excellence for academic prowess, sport, music and broader cultural pursuits. The school expanded rapidly and the pupils benefited from many outstanding facilities including impressive playing fields. The latest chapter in its distinguished history is a strategic partnership with St Teresa’s within the Effingham Schools Trust to provide the very best education for boys and girls throughout the 2 to 18 age range.
Cranmore School’s Mission Statement
‘A Catholic School committed to the teachings of the Gospel with the aim to help all children fulfil their potential, by fostering their individual talents and providing for their needs within its caring Christian community.’
Whilst we are a Catholic school we, naturally, warmly welcome families from other faiths and beliefs.
From the moment they join our nursery school and beyond, pupils thrive in an environment where they are well-known and cared for by our staff, and where they feel happy and confident. The welfare and well-being of all pupils is of paramount importance to us. Our school nurse and team of pastoral staff are available should anyone need to speak in confidence. Our aim is that each pupil not only reaches their academic and extra-curricular potential but is also a happy young individual with good self-esteem. It is this dedication to pastoral care that helps Cranmore retain its place as one of the leading independent schools near Leatherhead & Guildford and across Surrey.
Our core values across the trust of Faith, Character, Community, Compassion and Intellect knit the school together, resulting in an atmosphere of mutual support, vibrancy and kindness.
Faith: Cranmore is a Catholic School which welcomes pupils from all Christian and non-Christian faiths. Our work on this goal encourages our pupils to follow gospel values in their journey of faith.
Character: The goal focuses on affirming and celebrating uniqueness and worth of each individual member of the school community. We aim to provide opportunities for self-development, personal formation and self-knowledge, and to encourage the sharing of gifts and talents in a mutually supportive and appreciative environment.
Community: The goal is to ensure a loving community where all care for and respect one another. We encourage our pupils to develop awareness and appreciation of different cultures around the world; to celebrate and cherish our differences; and to promote qualities of tolerance and kindness that are actively demonstrated.
Compassion: The goal is to instil appropriate knowledge, values, skills and opportunities to foster kindness, and an awareness of the plights of others. We empower our pupils to effectively address injustices in their community, wider society and around the world, and to encourage moral conviction that impels to action.
Intellect: The goal is to create a stimulating learning environment where academic study and intellectual pursuits are cherished, valued and celebrated. We seek to enable pupils to become questioning, reflective young people who can appropriately use their knowledge to understand, interpret and interact with today’s world, and thus become effective and useful contributors to wider society.
Standards of behaviour expected of pupils at Cranmore:
- Show respect and courtesy for all members of the Cranmore community, for visitors and the school environment.
- Observe silence before, during and after assembly.
- Assemble outside the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner.
- Walk in the corridors and on the stairs. Keep to the left.
- Observe good table manners in the dining room and show respect and politeness to the catering staff at all times.
- Travel to and from school in full school uniform (there may be exceptions following sports fixtures). Wear the correct clean clothing for all sporting activities.
- At the end of the school day wait in the designated area in the car park.
- Permission to leave school during the school day should be directed in writing to the Class Tutor. Before leaving, pupils must always report to the office, inform the receptionist and be collected by a parent or guardian.
- Always sign in at reception if late to school.
- On hearing the fire alarm walk directly to the playground and assembly with the class.
Classroom Expectations
- Wait quietly outside classrooms until given permission to enter.
- Enter lessons on time, smartly dressed, with all necessary equipment and stand quietly behind desks until asked to sit down.
- Sit down quietly and prepare yourself for the lesson.
- Put your hand up if you wish to ask or answer a question but do not interrupt.
- Sit correctly at the desk.
- Work in a satisfactory manner for the lesson and stop when told to do so by a teacher.
- Leave the classroom in an orderly manner – chairs pushed in, rubbish placed in bins. Classroom lockers closed. No bags should be visible.
Code of Conduct
Pupils may not:
- Attack any other member of the school community either physically or verbally.
- Enter another pupil’s locker or desk.
- Run inside the building or enter the building during breaks unless the member of staff on duty has called a ‘wet break’, or they are attending an activity.
- Eat any food inside the building (except the dining room).
- Bring in any break time snacks other than fruit or sandwiches.
- Chew gum.
- Use cellular devices when at school, unless instructed to do so by a member of staff.
- Use the telephone in the office without permission from a member of staff.
- Make malicious accusations against staff or peers.
Mobile phones or cellular devices must be handed in at the office before school and collected at the end of the day. The consequence for using phones and other devices is a B and confiscation of the item. We will only return the items to parents.
Any form of bullying will be viewed as a serious breach of school rules and will be dealt with accordingly.
Sanctions System
Sanctions and Rewards
On occasions, reflection time / sanctions may be necessary to ensure pupils are aware of behaviour that falls short of the excellent standard we expect. These might include:
a. Cautions: a pupil may be given a caution for poor organisation (O) or poor behaviour (B).
The Caution is recorded in a pupil’s Homework Diary and electronically within iSAMS. Parents are asked to monitor and sign their child’s homework diary regularly.
Accumulation of such cautions will lead to the following consequences:
Sanctions (per half term)
2 x O | Tutor discussion with pupil and parents (if necessary) |
2 x B | Break time reflection with a designated member of staff |
3 x O | Head of Year lunch time detention and parents informed |
3 x B | Head of Year lunch time detention and parents informed |
4 x O | Consider a support card |
4 x B | SLT lunch time detention and parent informed |
Departmental Action
Failure to hand in homework or to complete work to a satisfactory standard may result in a break or lunchtime detention held by the subject teacher/Head of Department. This information will be recorded on iSAMS.
Report Card:
A report card is issued to monitor behaviour and organisation and a support card it to monitor pupil academic progress; either is issued by a member of SLT at the request of the Class Tutor/subject teacher, once the structures outlined above have been exhausted. At the end of the report card period, a copy is uploaded onto Wellbeing Manager (iSAMs) and SLT are informed of the outcome and the class tutor also informs parents.
b. Community Service task – If a pupil behaves badly in the playground they may be given an extra task such as collecting litter, sorting out lost kit or tidying the library.
c. Serious incidents will be assessed and dealt with after discussion with the Head. These may include:
- Loss of a break
- A letter of apology to be signed by the parent of the child
- A meeting with parents
Being placed on Report for a week. This provides an opportunity to recognise responsibility for poor behaviour and consider ways of improving behaviour - Suspensions, internal or external exclusions
Class Tutors, Year Group Coordinators, Housemasters/ Housemistress and other parties involved will be kept fully informed.
Rewards and Responsibilities
A number of different rewards are available for those in Year 7:
- By the awarding of merits and Upper Prep and Senior School certificates for 100/200/300 merits and this will trigger an email home.
- Distinctions are rewarded to pupils who produce an exemplary piece of work or service. A distinction is the equivalent of 10 merits.
- The receivers of distinctions will have their names read out in the whole school assembly on Friday morning.
- Use of merits, certificates & awards including termly/end of year prizes/cups.
- Through the House System and House Competitions
- Skip the Queue Card for those who achieve the most merits over a two-week period.
- Written praise on pupils’ work/achievements in the Chronicle
- Display of pupils’ work around the school
- Half termly Headmaster Commendations
Responsibilities available for Year 7 students:
- Opportunity to become an ICT Leader, working in conjunction with the Head of ICT
- Opportunity to become a school ECO Leader
- Two school councillors will be required from each form group
- Recycling monitors (exclusive to Year 7)
- Team captains across football, rugby, hockey and cricket
School Timings |
8.00am | School opens. Year 7 pupils will head to the playground |
8.25am | Pupils are sent from playground to Registration (see Registration) |
8.30am | Registration in Form rooms. |
8.40am | Assembly (Wednesday and Friday) |
9.10 – 10.55am | Periods 1, 2, 3 & 4 |
10.55 – 11.15am | Break |
11.20am – 1.15pm | Periods 5, 6, 7 & 8 |
1.15 – 2.10pm | Lunch Break & Clubs |
2.10 – 2.15pm | Registration |
2.15 – 4.15pm | Periods 9, 10, 11 & 12 |
4.15pm | Lessons end |
4.15– 5.00pm | Senior School Late Class in the Senior Library. Students are expected to complete homework. |
5.00 – 6.00pm | Extended Day Care – This is held in the Senior Library |
House System
There are six Houses at Cranmore:
- Borelli
- Bowen
- Morton
- Radford
- Stokes
- Tylor
If you are new to Cranmore, you will find that you have been put into one of these Houses. The Houses hold weekly meetings, engage in friendly inter-house rivalry in various ways e.g. sport, drama, music and raise a great deal of money for charity.
You will quickly become convinced that your House is the best House in the school and you will want to do your best to gain as many MERITS as possible so that your House can win the coveted House Shield. Throughout the year, there are Inter-House Football, Rugby, as well as Drama and Music competitions.
As standards in all respects are very high at Cranmore, it is expected that the boys’ appearance reflects this fact at all times;
- Blazer, tie and pullover must be Cranmore uniform as supplied by Schoolblazer.
- Shoes must be of plain black leather.
- Top buttons to shirts must be fastened when worn with a tie.
- Only a plain white vest may be worn under clothing.
- During cold weather, senior pupils are required to wear the school jacket purchased via Cranmore.
- Pupils must only wear the uniform sportswear, including the accessories and tracksuit obtainable from Schoolblazer.
- In summer, when permission is given by the Headteacher / Deputy Head shirt sleeve order may be adopted by the boys: this is open-neck shirt (without tie) and shirt sleeves rolled above the elbows; no blazer or pullover should be worn. Blazer and tie must be put on to go to and from school.
- Hair should not be coloured or cut in any extremes of style and should reach just above the collar. Gel or wax is not to be used.
- No jewellery is allowed except for a watch, a chain with a crucifix and tags providing medical information. These must be removed during PE lessons.
Bus Services
At Cranmore we offer an extensive school transport network for the convenience of our parents and students. We operate a fleet of modern vehicles that operate morning and afternoon routes across most of the surrounding towns and villages, facilitating convenient, safe and punctual transport to and from school. Our routes include regular morning and afternoon shuttle buses between
Cranmore School and St Teresa’s School.
Please note that our routes may change slightly each year to accommodate boys joining us from different areas, but we are not able to offer a door-to-door service. Once published, we endeavour not to change routes mid-term.
Parents wishing to use the school transport service, including the complimentary routes, must register before the start of term if possible, and commit to the service for the whole term. Students can be registered for a weekly return journey, a weekly single journey, or to travel a few days a week, if required. Journeys not taken will not be refunded.
Pupils may take one-off or “ad-hoc” journeys subject to available seats on a bus. Parents should contact the Bursary in advance to make the arrangements.
Extra-Curricular Activities
There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer at Cranmore. There are many after-school sports clubs including football, netball and hockey. As well as sport, there is something for all interests, including music, drama and public speaking. There are two main whole-school productions each year, with a large-scale Senior School drama production in the Summer Term. Our most recent production was Bugsy Malone in
June 2022.Year 7 Clubs 2022
These begin w/c 12 September
Head of Department: Ms Emma Newton
Thematic focus for the year – Identity and voice
Teaching will be through a variety of modern and classic texts that are framed by the exploration of inquiry questions such as ‘Who am I?’ and ‘How do people overcome challenges?’. Pupils will initially be encouraged to examine cultural issues impacting the modern world via the study of a modern novel such as The War of Jenkins’ Ear or Ghost Boys. They will then be introduced to a range of poetic forms and styles, followed by the history of English via medieval stories such as Beowulf or The Canterbury
Tales. They will then move on to studying fiction and non-fiction travel writing and then Shakespeare via a Midsummer Night’s Dream. They will also practise the principles of public speaking and debate, which is embedded in the curriculum.
Language study in Year 7 will again review all punctuation from capital letters to hyphens, relative pronouns; simple, compound and complex sentences; proofreading exercises. There will be an emphasis upon developing vocabulary.
Focus will be upon writing for different audiences and improving style. Texts will prompt tasks including story, description, recount, factual report, diary, biography/autobiography, book review, newspaper report, formal and informal letters, persuasive writing, simple discursive writing, speech, play script, information posters and personal poetry.
Speaking and listening skills will be developed though class discussion, role-play, hot-seating, book presentations, role-play, Stanford debate and formal debate.
Each class will have a library lesson where, each week, two students will be expected to give a presentation about a book they have read. Under normal circumstances, the library is open before school (from 8.15am), at morning break, at lunchtime and during late class, for a student to change a reading book.
There will be two homeworks per week which should each take approximately 20 – 25 minutes.
Homework may consist of nightly reading for 20 minutes or revision of spellings and vocabulary. All students need to have their reading supervised by an adult at least once a week so that they can ask and answer questions about what they have just read. Students may additionally be asked to produce small amounts of research or complete writing tasks.
Head of Department: Mr Chris Savvides
Mathematics is fundamental to many areas of our lives, and it is therefore crucial that we equip our children with the necessary skills to become confident, logical and resilient problem solvers as they embark on their journey to adulthood.
We believe that Mathematics should be engaging, challenging, practical and interactive. We make the most of Mathematics challenges and team competitions to encourage participation and ensure our children are enthusiastic and motivated mathematicians. We endeavour to utilise various methods and techniques across the curriculum and instil a love for mathematics into each child.
In Year 7, all students follow the same scheme of work for Mathematics, which is based on an enhanced National Curriculum, with a focus on problem solving, mastery and fluency.
Year 7: Programme of Study
Number: Arithmetic with integers, negative numbers, fractions and decimals. Converting fractions, decimals and percentages. Factors, primes, multiples and powers. Calculator skills.
Working with ratio.
Algebra: Sequences, Expressions and formulae. Plotting coordinates and understanding basic graphs. Solving linear equations.
Shape, space and measure: Symmetry. Angle rules. Converting units. Area and perimeter of 2d shapes.
Data Handling: Probability, averages and range. Interpreting charts including Pie charts.
Pupils use the Essential Maths series of textbooks published by Elmwood Press. We have carefully mapped our curriculum on so that pupils have access to a vast library of appropriate problems for consolidation. Pupils and teachers also use as an excellent resource to further develop understanding of topics.
Our VLE pages contain lots of information, links and resources to support your son with their learning and progress.
There are a wide range of hugely impactful interactive resources available to us online and the quality of these resources have increased hugely over recent years. As a department we are constantly sharing what works best and we keep on top of innovative resources and approaches to teaching Mathematics.
In addition to our classroom provision, pupils also have access to our drop-in support session,
MathsLink, which takes place on a Friday lunchtime, and our Maths Challenge club, which takes place on a Thursday after school.
Head of Department: Mr Stuart Minikin
At Cranmore our aim is to develop scientists with a rigorous understanding of the subject, an enthusiasm for learning and the confidence to question, evaluate and articulate their ideas. We encourage all students to develop a love for Science, by balancing theory with practical work, placing a high value on developing the technical and analytical skills needed to investigate experimentally. We create a safe environment in which the students feel comfortable exploring their understanding and where we can add to both their knowledge and skills. We focus on developing a meticulous approach to practical investigations which are used as often as possible, to support the learning of theory. Our students enjoy Science and develop techniques that will be useful to them for the rest of their lives.
YEAR 7: Programme of Study
- Reproduction in Plants
- Healthy Living – Drug Addiction and Exercise
- Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Viruses
- Cells and Microscopy
- The Particle Model
- Pure and Impure Substances
- Separating Mixtures
- Atoms, Elements, Compounds and The Periodic Table
- Force and Rotation
- Density and it’s Measurement
- Pressure
- Speed and Motion
Resources & Information
Science is taught by specialist teachers and pupils will be assessed regularly, usually at the end of each topic, to support their progress. The Science Department enjoys the use of large laboratories and two prep rooms which are well provisioned for the learning of the Science curriculum.
Our Science Technician ensures the preparation of the equipment for practical activities and supports the teaching staff on a daily basis. Additional resources, together with details of homework, can be found on the VLE.
Head of Department: Mr Rhys Cross
Year 7 History is arguably the most exciting at Cranmore! Although we will cover a range of themes throughout the year, ranging from crime to clothing, our overarching focus will be medieval warfare!
Case studies will involve a number of crunching and bloody battles such as Bannockburn (1314), Crecy (1341) and Agincourt (1415). Make sure you have your battle-axe at the ready, or perhaps you prefer the lethal longbow…
YEAR 7: Programme of Study
- Edward I and the conquest of Wales
- Edward I and Scotland
- Medieval Warfare with case studies on key battles such as Agincourt
- The Black Death
- The Peasants’ Revolt
- Wars of the Roses
Resources & Information
Students will begin to develop an understanding of important historical concepts such as:
- Long and short-term causes
- Cause and effect/consequences
- Provenance of a source – meaning, importance, reliability and usefulness
- Eyewitness accounts, hindsight, research by a modern-day historian
Year 7 students will be expected to demonstrate an in-depth level of analysis when evaluating historical sources and to demonstrate that they have the ability, even at this stage, to write fluently and with a clearly defined structure. Essays will be expected to be balanced, proceeding to a substantiated judgement. Examinations will take place in January and in May and regular assessment grades will also be provided throughout of the year.
The History Department is fortunate to be well provisioned. Relevant digital clips, up to date textbooks, bespoke PowerPoints and various worksheets will all be utilised in the learning process, as well as personal devices. Information pertaining to the topics covered can be found on the VLE.
Head of Department: Mr Charles Doyle-Davidson
In Year 7 the syllabus aims to encourage pupils to use a range of geographical skills through which to
develop their knowledge and understanding of the world. The focus over the course of the year will
be broken into three sections.
Global location – developing and consolidating a sense of place.
Ordnance survey map work skills to include:
- 4 and 6 Figure grid references
- Compass direction
- Height and contours
- Distance and area
Thematic studies
1. Plate tectonics
- Theory and structure of the Earth
- Types of plate boundary and plate movement
- Global distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes
- Examples of both earthquakes and volcanoes; cause impact and response
2. Glaciation
- Causes and impact
- Landforms created through erosion and deposition
- Land use
3. Africa
- A brief history
- Development
- Population and issues
4. Rivers
- Processes of weathering and erosion
- Formation of river features
Resources and Information
Pupils will be expected to be able to apply the theory of the topics studied and using their understanding and knowledge of the subject, develop logical answers, using reasoned evidence to
make their point. Examinations will take place in January and May with regular assessment grades given throughout the course of the year.
The VLE along with their associated text books provide a good range of resources from which to develop their understanding. It is important to stay abreast of what is going on in the media and then apply their knowledge to understand the cause and impact of events.
Languages - French, Spanish & Latin
In Year 7, students will learn French, Spanish and Latin. Our philosophy as a department is to inspire and motivate linguistic competence in our pupils by giving them a positive and enjoyable experience of foreign language learning and different cultures. We aim to help all pupils to start out confidently on this journey of linguistic discovery, developing their reading, listening, writing and speaking skills to their fullest potential.
In Year 7, we use Dynamo 2 Rouge textbook. The pupils will learn the following topics and grammar points using a variety of resources and materials. Pupils will have access to a range of websites: ,, www.conjuguemos.comand
Topics |
School holidays | Technology |
Holiday activities | Cinema |
Questions | Leisure activities |
Festivals & celebrations | French culture (literature/ history/ geography/ way of life/ politics etc…) |
Food / markets | French speaking |
Opinions & reasons | countries |
TV programmes |
- Present tense of regular and irregular common verbs
- Perfect tense of regular and irregular common verbs of regular verbs
- Near future
- Connectives
- Adjectival agreement
- Possessive adjectives
- Comparatives +
superlatives - Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Negative expressions
- Idiomatic
- expressions
- Cardinal numbers
Spanish will be learnt using a range of materials, interactive games, songs, online activities, as well as reading comprehension, listening, speaking and writing activities. We encourage the use of these resources at home and in school.
In Year 7, the pupils will learn the following topics and grammar points. They will have access to,,, Quizzizz, Blooket and
- Myself
- Family and Friends
- Description of people
- Hobbies and activities
- Schools and subjects
- Time (24h clock)
- Opinions and reasons
- Life in a Spanish speaking country
- Weather
- Numbers and alphabet
- Spanish culture (literature/history /geography/way of life/politics)
- Hispanic speaking countries
- Present tense of regular and irregular common verbs
- Hacer + weather
- Near future of common verbs
- Adjectival agreement
- Possessive adjectives
- Modal verbs
- Comparatives + superlatives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Negative expressions
- Idiomatic expressions
- Cardinal numbers 0-100
- Ordinal numbers 0-10
Latin will be learnt using a range of materials, a textbook and online activities, as well as reading comprehension, and writing activities. The students will have access to,, and We encourage the use of these resources at home and in school.
- Nouns – nominative and accusative cases (singular and plural) of 1st 3 declensions
- Verbs: Present Tense: 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular; 3rd person plural
- Verbs: Imperfect and Perfect Tenses: 3rd person singular and plural
- Adjectives – including comparative and superlative
- Around 15-20 words per Stage (8 stages) which are also on the GCSE vocabulary list.
- Derivation work to make connections between Latin vocabulary and English, French and Spanish vocabulary.
- Roman history is combined with the language throughout, and the influence of the Romans, and similarities and differences between ancient and modern society explored. Topics are the
Roman house and household, food and daily life, business and leisure in towns, the theatre, slavery, Roman religion, and gladiatorial games.
Resources & Information
For all 3 language subjects, the pupils will have weekly vocabulary tests and end of topic assessments throughout the year and an end of year exam in May, assessing productive skills.
Homework is once a week for each language and consists of vocabulary learning and interactive tasks to reinforce what has been taught in the lessons. From time to time, they will also complete writing tasks and fun cultural activities.
Religious Education
Head of Department: Mr Christopher Pierce
Religious Education at Cranmore is a subject that enriches all pupils. It helps pupils to discover and learn more about who God is, more about who they are in themselves and more about the world in which they live. It also gives pupils a greater understanding of how we can live in community.
Year 7 will cover the following topics this year
- The Old Covenant: Creation; The Fall; Abraham; Moses and the Passover; God’s Covenant with His people; David and Bathsheba.
- Liturgical Year: Advent; Christmas; Lent; Holy Week; Easter; Resurrection; Pentecost; SS Peter and Paul.
- Contemporary Issues: Social Justice; Sanctity of Life; Science and Faith; Overcoming Prejudices; Attitudes to death; Human rights; Leadership
- The world faith of Judaism.
Each topic opens up for pupils a range of contemporary questions such as but not limited to:
- Is the death penalty necessary?
- Is human life sacred?
- How has there been prejudice in history?
- Does faith still have a voice in our world?
- Who have suffered for their faith?
- How should we treat the elderly?
- Should people be allowed to take their own life?
Project work will allow pupils to explore an area of faith of their choice. In the past pupils have investigated:
- Woking Mosque
- Buddhist Temple in Wimbledon
- Role of an Iman and the changing face of Islam
- A local parish Church
Resources & Information
Within RE we use a range of teaching techniques and activities that enable all pupils of different learning styles to engage and succeed. Activities include essay writing, drama, debate and ICT.
Short assessments will take place in class at the end of each term and these enable the pupils to be fully prepared for the end of year assessments. Homework will be given weekly and can be found on the VLE
All topics covered in RE this year will be subject to possible changes as we await the approval of the New Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) for Catholic Schools and Colleges in England and Wales.
Head of Department: Mr. Ahmed Afana
At Cranmore, we aim to provide a high-quality digital education that equips pupils to understand and change the world through computational thinking, and provides a sense of empowerment and excitement in developing and using digital technology. With a 1:1 device program in place, we will also be enabling creativity and research opportunities in other subjects, always with a mind on using technology wisely and safely.
ICT and Computing includes these interrelated elements:
- Computer Science (CS) is the discipline that explains how digital systems work, how they are designed and programmed, and the fundamental principles of information and computation.
- Information Technology (IT) covers the purposeful creation and application of digital systems to communicate, transfer data and process information collaboratively with others.
- Digital Literacy (DL) is the ability to access, use, and express oneself using digital technology responsibly and safely, including a critical understanding of technology’s impact on the individual and society.
ICT is important educationally. It both develops and requires logical thinking and precision. It encourages innovation, collaboration, and resourcefulness: pupils apply underlying principles to understand real-world systems, and to create purposeful and usable artefacts. This combination of principles, practice, and invention makes ICT both rigorous and creative. More broadly, it is a lens through which to understand both natural and artificial systems. ICT has great economic and societal value.
ICT provides pupils with the knowledge and skills to contribute to the digital economy, and play an active role in a world where new technologies are invented daily. ICT has the potential to make the world a better place, and understanding ICT is the key to realising that opportunity. With this in mind, the pupils at Cranmore will experience a wide range of different software building on previous years’ learning.
Year 7 will cover the following topics this year
- DL: Digital Safety – being a responsible cyber citizen
- IT: Modelling Data using Spreadsheets
- CS: Computational Thinking, think like a machine!
- CS: Programming Techniques with Small Basic
- CS: Robotics – code and build
- IT: Using Media to gain support for a cause
Head of Department: Mrs Hannah Hanson
Year 7 has opportunities to be experimental with a practical approach to Drama activities. Pupils learn to use a range of drama styles and techniques to explore the art form through relevant themes and texts. The pupils are encouraged to take risks and become reflective about the process, evaluating the end product as a performer, facilitator and audience member. They will use a variety of current and historical drama practitioners to explore exciting stimuli.
Year 7 will cover the following topics this year
- Use different ways to convey action, character, atmosphere and tension while they are scripting and performing.
- To understand how the structure of plays contribute to the dramatic impact
- Evaluate performance skills used in Drama
- To review the performances of other pupils
- To study the history and purpose of theatre from Ancient Greek, Elizabethan to contemporary
- To study different styles of Drama, such as Greek Chorus, Elizabethan monologues, staging and physical theatre
- To experiment with technical elements, such as sound and lighting
Resources & Information
In addition to the weekly lesson, there is a Drama Club for Year 7 pupils, private lessons with the opportunity to take LAMDA exams, entering festivals and competitions and the opportunity to take part in the summer senior production. Theatre visits will be arranged when appropriate performances are available.
Head of Department: Mr Richard Harris
General Overview
We aim to develop a ‘love of music’ at Cranmore. With your support, we will inspire the pupils to greater musical heights and encourage them to participate in one or more of the many instrumental and choral groups available to them.
Curriculum Overview
Year 7 pupils enjoy a single, one-hour long period of Music each week.
Topics include:
- History of Music Project (1450 – present) – completed in PPT on personal devices
- Melodic harmonisation using primary chords and developing keyboard skills using melody and primary chords
- Melodic composition in binary and ternary forms and a popular song structure project, also to be completed in PPT on their personal devices.
Performing opportunities for Year 7 musicians are plentiful here at Cranmore: Monday assembly, Action Day, Carol Service, House Music Competition, Pupil Concerts, Young Musician of the Year Competition and The Spring Soiree. The choirs, orchestra, and some of the other instrumental ensembles also perform annually at the Woking and Godalming Festivals.
Resources & Information
During these practical lessons, pupils will often use the extensive range of classroom instruments and the Yamaha keyboards. They will require their personal devices for two of the above topic areas.
Assessment in this subject is based on GCSE grading, is ongoing throughout the year and is based on their success in practical lessons. A pupil’s instrumental and / or vocal ability / contribution will also be taken into account.
Design & Technology
Head of Department: Mr Chris McGhee
Design and Technology is a highly creative subject which encourages significant lateral thinking, problem solving, and gives breadth and balance to the academic curriculum. The practical focus is on the use of materials appropriate to the subject task, while applying knowledge and understanding relevant to the processes and techniques in order to design, model, manufacture and evaluate a product.
As a designer-maker, pupils will develop their appreciation of design within society and gain a greater understanding of processes used to construct products.
The subject offered provides good opportunities to further develop practical skills and apply modern technologies to the learning process.
Year 7: Programme of Study
- Health and Safety.
- Technical sketching.
- Introduction to model making.
- Introduction to woodworking through several projects.
Design and Technology will prepare pupils to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly technological world, as pupils gain awareness and learn from many wider influences on Design and Technology including historical, cultural, environmental and economic factors.
It is a very exciting time for the Design and Technology department with the construction of the new, purpose-built Science and Technology building. It is our hope we will have first teaching in the new design workshop at the beginning of the spring term.
Art & Design
Head of Department: Mrs Felicity Sanders
In response to the theme ‘geometric patterns and structures’, students will have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and understanding of specific art movements; predominately, this will initially centre around the 1960s, whereby the geometric compositions of Roy Lichtenstein will initiate this investigation. Supported by the exploration of other artists’ and designers’ works, students will continue to develop and refine their drawing and painting skills, whilst embracing an array of new media processes and techniques. In addition, the aspect of photography and digital design will also be introduced, in turn encouraging and inspiring students to discover alternative and contemporary approaches to Art and Design. In-depth critical and contextual research will also form a fundamental part of the work undertaken, as pupils learn to draw inspiration for the work from an initial starting point.
Artists’ works studied:
- Pop Art movement
- Roy Lichtenstein
- Op Art movement
- Bridget Riley
- Sarah Morris
- Tilde Grynnerup
Media processes and techniques explored:
- Printmaking
- Mixed media application
- Photography
- Graphic design
- Digital design
- Paper engineering
- 3D construction
- Paper weaving
- Acrylic painting
- Pen control
- Continuous line drawing
- Observational drawing and critical studies
Within the teaching of Art & Design, students will have the opportunity to implement a variety of innovative and dynamic approaches to their studies, whereby they will be able to embrace new and exciting ways of working. The early journey in their Art and Design curriculum in Year 7 will build confidence in their ability to make creative decisions of their own.
Sport & Physical Education
Director of Sport: Mr Paul Hodgson
Within the core Physical Education programme, we continue the ethos of the subject, which is a wide and varied programme to benefit the pastoral well-being, physical health and sporting enjoyment of all pupils. We aim to reinforce prior learning in various activities, by building on techniques and skills already developed and harnessed. T
hrough the Games programme, pupils will be placed in similar ability teams in our major sports of Football, Rugby, Hockey and Cricket and compete against local schools. An option to experience the Rowing programme is also available for year 7 pupils. There is an emphasis placed on good technical and tactical awareness during both Physical Education and Games lessons.
Pupils will have the opportunity to interpret the laws of games and officiate in training matches whilst also learning the value of quality practice, training for specific sporting activities and setting long-term goals. With Year 7 Games being combined with Year 8, the culture and environment allow for increase peer-to-peer learning.
Pupils will take part in the following activities:
- Football
- Athletic Development
- Rugby
- Cricket
- Tennis
- Athletics
- Squash
- Hockey
- Golf
- Swimming
- Water Polo
- Table Tennis
- Badminton
- Rowing (option)
Games: Wednesday and Friday
PE: Monday
After-school training: Monday
Scholarship & Performance Session: Tuesday before school
Swim Squad: Tuesday after school
Enriched Curriculum
Year 7 pupils have the opportunity to enjoy an ‘‘Enriched Curriculum”. The fundamental aim is for students to benefit from a broad education rather than having them focus on a narrow curriculum too soon. We believe we have introduced a programme that will deliver a much richer educational experience. The pupils will continue to prepare for assessments in the traditional way, but they will also have the opportunity to explore new subjects without the pressure of homework or exams.
However, the work will be closely monitored and assessed by staff using various methods of formative assessment, and half term grades for effort and achievement.
As part of the enriched curriculum programme, pupils will have a weekly lesson of a ‘Modern’ subject, which will rotate termly for each Form Group, comprising Politics, Decision Maths and Self-regulated Learning. The most able will also have the opportunity to undertake the Rennaissance Challenge, which provides an opportunity to explore a number of disciplines in a depth that goes beyond the curriculum.