
Cranmore School has numerous additional policies covering many aspects of school life. These are updated regularly and are available upon request.

If reference to other policies are mentioned within the policies, please contact the school office for a copy.

Independent Schools’ GDPR Privacy Notice

Academic and Pastoral (including EYFS)

Anti Bullying Policy
→  Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions Policy (Prep School)
→  Behaviour, Rewards and Sanctions Policy (Senior School)
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Curriculum Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy

Health, Safety and Security

(13a) First Aid Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Online Safety at Effingham Schools Trust
Prep Relationships and Health Education Policy (RHE)
Senior Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy

Finance and General Policies

EST Safer Recruitment Policy
(15a) Admission Policy
EST Complaints Policy

 Gender Pay Gap Report (2022)
 Gender Pay Gap Report (2023)

Please contact the school office for access to policies referred to in the above documentation.